Rewiring the world
one connection
at a time

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Gravity Co
is a

We’re all born with an inheritance: a set of stories that shape our mind and our reality. And we have a choice: follow that north star, or build a brand new constellation.

Our connections are often between worlds –studios and sets, old whips and spaceships, galleries and gutters. We exist at the nexus, where lines blur, intersections form, and ideas are born. 

Gravity is the great connector that holds our solar system in place.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

The force holding us to the surface of the earth.

The most powerful connector in the universe is invisible, and much information about it is still in the depths of the unknown, the only place where anything new is truly made.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

– André Gide

We are the connection between the shore you’ve been standing on and the ocean you hope to find.

We can also act at the connection between who you’ve come to be, and the best parts about who you once were.

A true connection writes a story that touches your spirit. When our spirit is touched we interact with the world in a new way.

When the proper union of light, sound, and narrative (and budget ha!) click together for the first time –they spark something new. They manifest something timeless.

The feeling you get when you finally catch the metaphor in the movie or a song years down the line, that’s what we aim for.

That’s what we stand for.

~ Gravity Co